Helping you

Be your best.

I help people like you to discover and achieve your full potential in life and work.

I’ll partner with you to work better in our complex world and live better with those important to you.  You’ll recover your innate positivity,  fulfilment, motivation and achieve greater success.

Do you feel like you need to make a change in your life?  Would you like to be clearer about your personal or professional goals, and get closer to achieving them?

If you’d like a supportive, independent listening partner, I’d love to work with you.

Have you lost your 'positive'?


Thinking and acting negatively

‘80% of our thoughts are negative, and 95% of those are the same as yesterday.’
(US Science Foundation, 2005)

It’s pretty common to be down on life or work, particularly in today’s complex world.

– Complaining, criticism or bitterness
– Lost motivation, drive or focus
– Low self-esteem or impostor-syndrome

The narrative you create about your past successes and failures tends to mould your future choices.
Your mindset creates your future

Pressure from other people getting to you

‘77% of the global workforce are on the verge of resignation’
(Microsoft & Adobe, 2021)

Lockdown has increased the pressure on living and working with those most important to you.

– High demand on you from other people
– Breaking your most important relationships
– Loss of respect or support at work

People act the way they’re treated, so the respect and support you give will tend to be reflected.
Your support network is your strength

“Derrick is an authentic, witty and insightful person who will make you feel better about yourself and the world after spending time with him. I turned to him for help when I was in a tricky situation and it was a great decision.”

Do you feel unfulfilled?


Overwhelmed - no time to stop and think

‘74% of UK adults felt so stressed they were overwhelmed or unable to cope’
 (UK-wide survey, 2018)

Its very common for people to be drowning in complexity with loads happening at once.

– Can’t stop and think or concentrate
– Procrastination, lack of ambition or failure
– Tension, stress and health issues

The more complex life is and the more demand on you, the less clearly you can think.
Simplicity allows clarity of thought
Chance-Change - desktop

Lost your direction

‘73% are near or past the point of saturation with change’
(Prosci Management, 2021)

Most people don’t stop and think about themselves or what they want as the world changes around them.

– Work/life balance out of whack
– Constantly outside your comfort-zone
– Job changing, redundancy or career stalling

You need time to understand yourself, decide what’s best for you and those important to you.
You can live by chance or by change

“Derrick is thoughtful and empathetic and he helped me make the right decisions at a time when I couldn’t see a positive future.  He pushed me out of my comfort-zone but it was just what I needed at the time.”

Are you and your team successful at work?


Self-awareness and people intelligence​

‘Only 2.6% of leaders are fully engaged.  The rest damage their organisation
 (Zenger Folkman, 2018) 

Working in or leading teams has changed radically over the last decade, with new technology and cultures

– Transitioning from manager to leader
– Team connection, communication and collaboration
– Struggling with systems or digital technology

Self-awareness, confidence, skills and modern best-practice to become an inspirational, or work effectively with a leader – are all learnable skills.  

Know yourself to lead yourself and others

Burnout and the effects of lockdown

‘The majority of people reported worse physical or mental health post lockdown’
(UCL, ‘The Lancet’, 2021)

Lockdown has increased the pressure on employee’s life and work.  We have all re-evaluated our priorities.

– The pressure from work, home, parenting, etc
– ‘Always-on’ working at home.  Less capacity
– Challenges with the boss or senior management

In today’s ‘new normal’, everyone has the ability to make choices about their future life and work, rather than the life dictated by others or employers.
You make the choices what to do with your life

“Derrick is a very focused professional and always seeks the positives in any scenario. His work with me on positive thinking made me see myself differently after my redundancy. I’m now back in work – it’s one the best things that’s happened to me.”

Your organisation needs help with leadership


A lack of solid, sustainable leadership

‘77% of organisations lack leadership.  Less than 5% have developed leadership
 (Gallup, 2021)

Particulary during lockdown,working in or leading teams has been difficult.

– High employee turnover
– Disconnect between vision and execution
– Lack of data or evidence for decision-making

Leading and being led is underinvested.  Excellent leadership can be taught and learnt by leaders and teams.  New technology makes better leaders.
Excellent leadership is a skill to learn

Cultures and engagement vs management

‘86% of employees are burnt out.  63% feel they aren’t being developed’
(Global leadership survey, 2021)

Digital transformation and remote working has positive and negative effects on us all.

– Unhealthy cultures
– Transition from on-site to remote, dispersed
– Move to digital systems and technology

As in life, it’s common for working people to seek face to face supportive colleagues who allow time for them to think.  Systems and technology only help people.
People work best with people, not systems

“Derrick understands and appreciates the difference between being a manager and being a leader today.  He’s done it so he know it!  My boss told me I’m the best in his team.  Our Director has lined me up to lead the UK team.”

“Derrick is an authentic, witty and insightful person who will make you feel better about yourself and the world after spending time with him. I turned to him for help when I was in a tricky situation and it was a great decision.”

Achieving other peoples' plans for you can be tough

‘74% of UK adults felt so stressed in the last year they were overwhelmed or unable to cope’
 (UK-wide survey, 2018)

‘73% are near or past the point of saturation with change’
(Prosci Management, 2021)

Your world is increasingly complex as your family, colleagues and company look for you to be better, faster, more productive.  You can start to feel like you’re living your life for others rather than yourself.

  • Overwhelming work/life balance and stress
  • Lockdown affecting confidence and ambition
  • Moving home, family or financial change
  • Redundancy or career not going to plan
  • Procrastination or lack of concentration


You’re not alone – millions of people feel the same way every day.

How you think about yourself and the world is shown to affect how well you (and those near you) live and work in the future.


Being negative with the most important people.

‘80% of our thoughts are negative, and 95% of those are the same thoughts as yesterday.’
(US Science Foundation, 2005)

‘54% of Generation Z and 77% of the global workforce are on the verge of resignation’
(Microsoft & Adobe, 2021)

Human beings are tribal – we are better when we are in trusting, supportive partnerships and relationships.  You’re not so good on your own!

Unfortunately, life has the habit of throwing you lemons and it’s not always easy to make lemonade.  In the tough times, it’s easy to be negative with ourselves and those around us.

  • Negative thinking; blaming, criticising
  • Issues with self-esteem and low motivation
  • Head and heart conflicts
  • Feelings of impostor-syndrome
  • New relationships or partnerships


Even in the difficult times, you’re better when you stay positive with those you trust and support most.  Being insular and bottling it up tends to create negativity and breaks relationships.

The more positively you act, the more positively those around you will behave.


“Derrick is a very focused professional and always seeks the positives in any scenario. His work with me on positive thinking made me see myself differently after my redundancy. I’m now back in work – it’s one the best things that’s happened to me.”

"I thought I knew myself but working with Derrick brought so much more insight. I never had the confidence to make my own choices. Now I'm living the life I've craved since leaving school."

Hi, I'm Derrick

I will help you discover and achieve your full potential

The majority of people experience a time in their life where things have become a bit too complex.  The tendency is to become a little negative and to disconnect from others.  This is when you need support most.

I’ve been through divorce, redundancy, stress, family and financial issues, to name a few.  I’ve had my fair share of procrastination, low-confidence and negative thinking.  But – I’ve lived and worked with some amazing people, companies and cultures – all positive experiences.

There are very few lucky people who make a success of their life by chance.  Most of us need to work to achieve positive change.  Having good people around you and listening to them helps.


In your life, you have been happy and fulfilled, you’ve thought positively and seen success.  You know what good is like for you.

It’s sometimes difficult to find the right support and make an investment in change.  This investment can make a transformational difference to you and the most important people around you, in life and work.

I’ll help you recover your positive mindset.  I’ll support you in your journey to get there and stay there today and into the future.

“Derrick is organised and an excellent good listener – he always finds the time for you.. He helped turn me from a introverted IT geek into a team leader.  I’m going to bring Derrick back to help my new team.”

Derrick is always willing to help, eager to learn and quickly understands. He helped me with some difficult issues with my manager. We now work much better together.  I hope we’ll have the opportunity to work together in the future.

I’ve always found Derrick to be a great source of tech knowledge. He always delivers beyond expectations and leads people expertly and with apparent ease. Derrick is a straight-talker and easy to get along with.

Transform yourself. Understand your true potential, make your goals a reality and make positive a habit.

Invest in your future life and work

After 5 decades of life and 3 decades of work as an Engineer and Technology Leader, life coaching transformed my understanding of who I am, how I like to live and work.  This helped me to change my life today and tomorrow.

I’m willing to bet that you are a successful person who has lost direction and needs some support to get back on track.  You recognise the value of investing in yourself and you are committed to making your own change for yourself, your family, your colleagues.  As you’ve come here, you’ve made the first big step on the path!

My services help people like you to be clearer about who you are and what you’d like to be.  I’ll support you on your journey to achieving your goals and make better decisions about your future.  You will be a more positive person, happier, more fulfilled and more successful in the things you choose to do. You will be better able to create and maintain positive relationships with the important people at home and work.